Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else

Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else
Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else

Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else

Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else or to soften someone’s heart can be use to send someone positive energy. You can use our change of heart spells for a lover for quick result.

In today’s modern world, no one is happy to see the happiness of others; they start to become jealous of that person.

If you are living a cheerful and happy life, then there are many people out there who get jealous due to your happiness Rare people are left on this earth when they become so glad in your joyful moments. But this does not happen in all places; many times, you become lucky enough when other people pray for your happiness.

Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else
Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else

Even in some cases you also do the same for others, especially that person is close to your heart. Many times you get attached to a person who is right from the heart, and you want to spend your life with that person only

Our spiritual books always told us to do good for others and get good by god. The heart is the only thing which either becomes stone or soft; you can’t predict someone’s heart until it is yours.

The heart gets stuck into the cycle where it is difficult to come out of it, in this chakra you become rude, stone-hearted, angry, cheat others, develop hate inside your heart for others.

Today we bring some solutions for you, where you can cure others and yourself too by performing some spells. You can bring positivity, love, softness, kindness, happiness in a person. All you need to do is, perform these spells with your heart and faith, and then only universe will help you to fulfil all your desires. Here is our Heart Chakra Clearing Spell For Someone Else.

Spell To Soften Someone’s Heart

Spell To Soften Someone’s Heart, When it comes to heart, then there are two types of it. Either a soft heart or a stone heart. The heart may vary you, vary your character and behaviour.

No one wants a rude and stone-hearted person in their lives when it comes to love. Every person wants a soft-hearted person in their life, who only speaks kind and sweet words to others

How To Make Someone Heart Soft?

Today we would suggest a spell by which you will able to make your someone special’s heart soft.


  • Red ink pen
  • Blue ink pen
  • Parchment paper
  • Green leaves


Take parchment paper and write down your lover’s name with the help of a blue ink pen and then cross it by pentacle. Turn the paper to another blank side, now write with the help of red ink pen the following words on it:

May the heart of (your lover’s name) becomes soft and filled with kindness for me

Now make a heart with the same red ink pen over the words which you write for your lover.

Place the leaves over the paper, then fold it into four-folds. Bring that folded paper near to your heart; make sure leaves do not get fall and recite following words:

May, this person had the opportunity to commit kind words.

May this person brings mercy and forgiveness in his words

Keep that paper near to your heart for the whole day, at the time of night bury that paper in garden or park near to your home.

Spell To Send Someone Positive Energy

Spell To Send Someone Positive Energy, Do you want to turn out someone from negative to positive, but you do not how to perform it. Then we are here to assist you

How To Send Positive Energy?

We would recommend a spell, perform it and send positive vibes to others.


  • Amethyst Crystal
  • Sage Herbal Incense
  • Incense Burner
  • White Candle
  • Blessing Oil


Sit in a calm and clean corner of your home, now meditate for few minutes do not think about anyone, focus on spirituality, calm your nerves, calm your heart and mind to proceed further. Then perform the aura purification process.

Now anoint your candle by rubbing blessing oil over it, place it over the altar.

Put a single drop of blessing oil on both of your palms, rub them together to raise the energy and power. Now place an incense over the burner and meditate with the help of flame only.

Take crystal in your hand, and move it across the smoke of incense for three times.

Place your face towards the direction of the person to whom you want to send positive vibes. Then recite the following words:

  1. May Lord grant happiness on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

2. May Lord grant success on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

3. May Lord grant love on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

4. May Lord grant money on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

5. May Lord give peace on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

6. May Lord grant joy on (person’s name to whom you want to send positive vibes)

Change of Heart Spells For A Lover

Change of Heart Spells For A Lover, We want to change the heart and mind of other people. But when it comes to love and that person does not love you back the same way you do to him, then at that moment, you want to change that person’s heart. So he can feel for you, he starts loving you, gets infatuated towards you in every manner

How To Change Your Lover’s Heart?

We would suggest a spell, by which you will able to change your lover’s heart.


  • Red Candle
  • Pink Candle
  • Cinnamon Oil
  • Matches
  • Toothpicks
  • Parchment paper
  • Pencil
  • Craving Tool


Clean and anoint both candles with the help of cinnamon oil. Then crave your name on the red candle and your lover’s name over the pink candle. Now first burn a red candle, then with the help of red candle flame burn pink candle.

Now meditate for 30 minutes by focusing on the candle’s flame. Then take a pencil and draw two hearts on parchment paper, write your name in first heart and on the other one write your lover’s name.

Take the red candle and drop its wax on both the hearts, covered them with red candle’s wax. Think about your lover while performing it.

Then take a pink candle and drop its wax on both the hearts, covered them with pink candle’s wax and think about your lover while performing it. Now fold this paper and keep it in a safe place where no one would able to see it.

Reconciliation Spells

About Tantra Spells 81 Articles
Baba ji a tantrik healer from india, babaji have great knowledge of tantra shastra, his guru name baba muktanand aghori maharaj. babaji have chamatkari shaktiya to remove your problems from life. you can directly connect with babaji using this dedicated website and talk to him to solve your problems.